Our mission

To be a leader in best practise pre hospital patient management and safety delivery.

Emergency Response Services Pty Ltd is a licensed Advanced First Aid Services provider which provides best practise pre hospital patient management by qualified personnel.

Providing Advanced and Intermediate First Aid care only.

Staff may include Doctors/Paramedics/Nurses/Medics or Safety Officers,  
Medical standby and response for on track Motorsport, Entertainment industry, public events
Staff placement or standby for general workplace, Industry and Health Assistant placements.

Do you require intermediate or advanced medical coverage for your Event or workplace?

Do you require a Safety Officer?

Do you require on track advanced medical response for motorsport?

Do you require First Aid training?

Contact Emergency Response Services

For medical and safety staff to support your event.
Specialised in back stage/behind the scenes support. From grass to grass coverage - Planning, stage build, flooring and seating, production in, Event/concert, production out, seating flooring out, stage dismantle, clean site. Medical support for all staff involved, venue, roadies, riggers, site crew, touring crew and artists.
On track medical response-experienced, qualified staff include Doctors/Paramedics/Nurses/Medics or Safety Officers in a fully equiped vehicle.
First Aid training- on your site by experienced trainers - Nationally accredited certificates.

Range of services

ERS is an Advanced First Aid Services provider, specialising in on track advanced medical response for motor sport and "back of house" for major events (gigs).

Event -First Aid

Specialising in advanced first aid for events. ("back of house")

Safety Officer

Safety officer for your events, concerts or workplace. Qualified OHS officers to oversee the "bump in/out" and event for your event/gigs, vernal workplace oversight of your safety and POPE qualified.

On Track Advanced Medical Response

Doctors and Qualified Medic/paramedic and vehicle for motorsport on track medical response, cars, motorbikes and drags. Providing best practise advanced care at your events.

Currently the preferred medical provider for Winton Raceway

Site Medic/Paramedic

Medic/paramedic for "bump in/out,  events, concert.

Medical coverage for all crew and artists.

Film/TV set medic/paramedic.

High risk stunt medical support

On screen roles.